Dangerous goods and substances
Did you know?
Classes and divisions
Assigning the hazard level
Articles about transportation of dangerous goods
Classes of hazard with dangerous goods
Dangerous goods are articles or substances which are capable of posing a hazard to health, safety, property, the environment or means of transportation. A fair amount of dangerous goods are being used on a daily basis and we do not even know that the transportation of...
Transport of frozen goods
In case of no active thermal control carbon dioxide, also known as dry ice, is widely used to assure the right temperature when transporting frozen goods. Products that can spoil in warm temperature (e.g. meat, fish, berries, ice cream) often require temperature...
Here are a few examples of dangerous substances found in our homes:

Nail polish/lacquer, perfume, aftershave

Deodorant and hair spray

Hair dye

Drain cleaner

Lithium Batteries
Samples of industrial dangerous goods:


Glue, dissolvent, gasoline, paint

Ammonium nitrate
